Job Details

Start Date 10/17/2024

Hospital is looking for GI clinic coverage with this request. If your locum(s) would prefer a hybrid schedule to include clinic shifts and procedure shifts (colonoscopy/endoscopy performed under conscious sedation at hospital.

GI Clinic Role -

14-16 patients per day. Confirmed locum would see more complicated liver and GI cases in addition to new referrals. Our clinic is currently staffed with one full-time provider, a PA-C, and occasional shifts by our employed GI. All standard clinic responsibilities would be expected including pathology review, referrals and answering questions our PA might have - though direct supervision is not a requirement.

In-clinic procedures: Pill Cam (GI locum required to interpret studies), peg tube exchange, Hemoccult test, and Lidocaine injections. 

Job Summary

Location Yakima, Washington
Job Type Locum
Profession Physician
Board BC
Coverage Type Clinic Only


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