Clinic- 8a-4:30p Hospital-7:00a-4p (Need 4 FTE Locums)
Just to clarify, our APPs are not responsible for performing any cardiac testing on both the inpatient and outpatient sides. These tests are available for ordering.
Patient Floor Call, Inpatient hospital work, rounds, consults, clinic
Telehealth-for bad weather days
Cardiac Floors: 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 3E-ICU (144 total beds but patients can be placed on any floor)
In house & Beeper Call- 4-5 pt calls weekday/month & 1 weekend/month
Patient Census? Varies (anywhere
Any stress testing? If so, which? Yes Nuclear Stress testing, Echo stress testing, Treadmill stress testing
Rounds – which patients will the provider round on? Cardiology patients (general, heart failure, Interventional & EP)
Medical only or combination or mainly medical? Medical & Procedural
Admissions? Cardiology is consulting service only. Patients are not admitted by Cardiology
Discharges? Work with Hospitalists to ensure Cardiology has a discharge plan communicated so Hospitalist can discharge upon their care plan is completed.
ER Consults? Yes
ICU – which ICU will the provider be working? Cardiac ICU
CTICU/CVICU? Yes same as Cardiac ICU
Procedures or equipment:
Chest tubes? Yes, but not in Cardiology
Central lines? Yes, but not in Cardiology
Intubations? Yes, but not in Cardiology
Vents? Yes, but not in Cardiology
Arterial Lines? Yes but not in Cardiology
Diagnostic Taps? Yes but not in Cardiology
Echo? Yes
VADs? No
Patient census? 19 patients/day in clinic
Any stress testing? If so, which? Yes Nuclear Stress testing, Echo stress testing, Treadmill stress testing
Post Op followup? Post Procedure follow ups (Heart Failure, AMI, EP hospital discharge follow ups)
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