Job Details

Start Date 03/01/2025

Hospital seeks a Locum Emergency Medicine NP/PA with extensive ED experience!!


Will APP be working Autonomously: Yes

Will APP supervising physician be present during assignment: Yes

Describe the coverage in more detail: 10-hour midlevel shift (11 AM - 9 PM), will see patients by themselves, but physician is always present for consultation.

Provide information on support staff, APP coverage, number of providers on the team: 1 full-time NP, 2 PRN PAs (can sometimes take shifts)

Average patient volume per day: 20

Number of beds: 25

Current EHR in use: Cerner

Percent (%) of total hospital admissions received from ED: 8%

Percent (%) of ED patients admitted to the hospital per day: 8%

Percent (%) of ED patients transferred per day: 2%

Trauma Level/Designation: Provisional Level 4

Annual ER volume: 20,000

Fast Track in ED: No

Fast Track staffed by MD or APP: N/A

Percent (%) of total ED volume treated by Fast Track: N/A

Will the locum physician be required to supervise other health care providers: N/A

Does ED staff respond to house codes: Yes

If Yes, are house codes secondary to ED emergencies: N/A

Who writes admission orders: Hospitalist or ED physician

Do hospital bylaws require a specific response time for on-call physicians: N/A

Are deliveries received in ED or sent directly to Labor & Delivery: Yes, and patients over 20 weeks with abdominal complaints

Is ED responsible for monitoring/supervising paramedics/ambulance by radio: Yes

Describe referral/transfer protocol (include name of the referral center and distance from your facility):

-Bay Med (40 minutes away)

-Lansing (1 hour 15 minutes away)

Ambulance response time & travel referral facility: MMR

24-hour availability for Radiology (CT, MRI, X-ray): Yes

24-hour availability for Laboratory: Yes

Blood Bank-certified by AABB: Yes

Pathology: Yes

24-hour availability for the OR: Yes

Surgical Services: Ortho

Description of Consultants (check all that apply): Ortho OB Gen Surg Neuro Uro

Who does EKG Interpretations: Cardiologists, ED Doctor for in-department EKGs

Job Summary

Location Mt Pleasant, Michigan
Job Type Locum
Profession NP
Board BC or BE
Coverage Type Clinic Only


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