This job is presently inactive, however, we do have other opportunities available in your specialty. Please reach out to our recruiter, Shubham Thakur, by phone (480) 571-0129 or via email at for further details on alternative positions.
Call 7a-7a
March 10 through 16 (10th would be 8 hours of orientation)
April 21 through 27
May 12 through 18
June 9 through 15
July 14 through 20
August 11 through 18
August 30 through September 7
September 15 through 21
October 2 through 15
October 20 through 26
November 10 through 16
December 15 through 21
Provider is expected to log note for OT and CB on timesheet
CVT Surgery
Board Certification in Thoracic Surgery required
Both TAVR and CABG required
General CV/thoracic surgery - open
Coronary artery bypass surgery on and off pump
Congenital defects (ASD, VSD, PFO, etc.)
Valvular -repair and replacement
Aneurysm repair- cardiac and aorto-thoracic
Lung resection (including VATs)
Chest wall or pleural procedures
AICD (Automatic Internal Cardiac Defibrillator)
Vent Management
APP takes the first call, procedures needed: CABGE, valves, vascular would be a huge plus thoracic would be a bonus. Hospital service/rounding ambulatory clinic around hospital service.
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