This job is presently inactive, however, we do have other opportunities available in your specialty. Please reach out to our recruiter, Nealynn Lucy, by phone (515) 745-2539 or via email at for further details on alternative positions.

Job Details

Start Date 08/19/2024
End Date 08/29/2024

Specialty: Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA)

Start date: Aug 19 2024

End date: Aug 29 2024

Coverage type: No Call

Board Certification: BC

EMR: Epic


*DATES CHANGED* One time need for August 12-22. These dates may change as an internal coverage option may be able to cover some of the later days in this stint. I'll update as we confirm if that is the case or not. 

Here are details of how the department operates and their schedule:

M-F schedule

No OB, Ortho

There is no call right now.

Shift times are usually: 7am-330pm (8-hour shifts)

Requirements- general anesthesia, regional anesthesia, some spinal anesthesia, a line and central line (not common but looking for someone with that ability) , quite a bit of pediatrics (rare to have a kid under the age of one). 

Job Summary

Location Fortuna, California
Job Type Locum
Profession CRNA
Board BC
Coverage Type Clinic Only


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