Negotiating Tips for Locum Physician Contract

Locum tenens offer multiple benefits. Today, it's an excellent opportunity to schedule your time and gain hands-on experience in different medical practices, regardless of whether you provide short-term vacation coverage or long-term relief during maternity leave or sabbatical.

You'll, however, have to refer to your locum physician agreement when considering working as a locum. The skill of negotiating your locum tenens contract confidently is something that you need to learn independently, even though medical school prepares you to work with a range of patients and medical conditions.

As you negotiate, consider what to look for in a locums physician contract, and avoid mistakes as you prepare your new contract.

What should you do before negotiating?

Before you sit down with a prospective employer, you should decide what is most important to you. Do you want to earn as much money as possible? Would you like to achieve the right balance between work and family? Beforehand, define how much you are willing to accept the minimum as an alternative to a negotiated agreement.

It's important to determine your priorities and ask questions before you negotiate. Getting all the information you need will make it easier to negotiate the locums physician contract, so make sure you understand things like compensation structure, non-compete terms, workload, schedule expectations, and benefits.

Things to negotiate

There are many things to consider when negotiating. If you only plan on living in the area for a few years, you may not care about a non-compete contract. The types of compensation you receive, the method of refinancing a signing bonus, and the way malpractice is covered may be of greater interest to you. But if you plan to settle down and build a family, the non-compete provisions will be of greater importance to you.

How can you negotiate?

● If you later decide to renegotiate the terms, don't sign a letter of intent. The letter of intent does not constitute a contract, but it indicates an agreement of terms, and renegotiating them later could hurt your reputation.

● It's important when negotiating to understand what you can negotiate and what is policy. For instance, you may not be able to change PTO policies in some facilities. Knowing what you must negotiate and what the policy is will reduce the amount of friction during negotiations.

● You must maintain a positive attitude throughout negotiations. Though you may have specific requirements that are deal breakers, you should approach the negotiations with an attitude of willingness to compromise. After all, your goal is to get hired to work for your employer.

● Please communicate with the employer as they do by email, phone, or in person. Does the employer prefer direct or indirect communication?

● When you negotiate with an employer, you will spend less time going back and forth if you prepare a list of questions beforehand.

● Make sure you are able to explain why you are requesting certain things, such as a higher salary, additional perks, or extra considerations. Your chances of meeting your request are better if you explain your reasons.

Final Words!

Taking on any locums physician contract requires negotiating contract terms, which can feel uncomfortable, but it will well be worth your time in the end. Furthermore, it allows you to express

what's most important to you, so that you know what you can expect once you begin working. Do you need more guidance on this topic? Reach out to locum tenens staffing agency like ProLocums via email, and our team will be glad to help you.

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